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Is pumpkin seed eaten raw or cooked?


Pumpkin seeds are a common food in our daily lives that can be eaten raw or cooked. Which of these two ways is better? Let's take a look together.

1. Pumpkin seeds can be eaten raw after being dried in the sun, because although fried pumpkin seeds are very fragrant, their health benefits are not as good as those of raw South melon seeds.

2. It has the effects of tonifying the middle and benefiting qi, reducing inflammation and pain, detoxifying and killing insects, and reducing blood sugar and thirst.

3. It is mainly used to treat chronic qi deficiency, spleen and stomach weakness, shortness of breath and fatigue, diabetes, ascaris and other diseases.

4. Pumpkin seeds contain a large amount of pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5. Pantothenic acid can effectively help people alleviate angina, and pumpkin seeds also have a strong antihypertensive effect on people with hypertension.

After getting older, gum atrophy naturally occurs. Pumpkin seeds contain a large amount of nutrients, including phosphorus and vitamin E, which are related to human teeth. For people with gingival atrophy, it is important to consume as much pumpkin seeds as possible to improve gum health and avoid causing gingival atrophy.

We have analyzed the benefits of eating pumpkin seeds raw for everyone and hope that everyone has some understanding.


Website: http://yitudaohang.cn/en/news/466.html